Open-source utilities, plugins, and applications I’ve built and maintained.
All of these projects were built either to scratch some itch I had at the time, or to learn a new tool or framework — often both. Open-sourced in the hopes that someone else might also find it useful or learn something from it.
A plugin for Tailwind CSS that removes the additional space above and below text nodes. It uses the Capsize library under the hood, as well as customised fontSize
and lineHeight
utilities to ensure the relevant values are inherited correctly.
Soon to be obsolete now that support for text-box-trim
is starting to roll out to browsers!
Originally a CLI tool to generate boilerplate for various project types, it’s now a monorepo for all my common tooling configs. It still includes a CLI tool, but it’s more about managing the different dev tools than a project template now.
A CSS gradient generator that emulates the interpolation between two colours using alternate colour spaces. Although modern CSS now allows these kinds of colour transforms natively, it’s still handy for generating fallbacks, or just playing around.

gibson ipsum
A cyberpunk text generator, based on the works of William Gibson — specifically, Neuromancer. Includes an option to display Japanese words in kanji and katakana characters.

A Stylelint configuration for maintaining a sensible order of CSS properties.
An extension for Visual Studio Code that adds JSON-Template (used in Squarespace templates) language support.
Also available for the Sublime Text and Atom editors.
Typeset.css is a Sass library that provides some sensible default styles, optional classes to use & extend as needed, and some utility functions & mixins to make elevating your typography simpler.